Friday, June 4, 2010

Who is this Texian who wears a size 8 (buckethead) hat?

I recently became unemployed. A friend asked me what it is I want to do. I want to be (as LBJ said) " G-D King of the World." This said, I realize I am not Barack Obama, I am not George Bush, or even Harry Truman. This said, I believe I am very capable of doing things that lead up to this.

What is community service? It is being of service to the community. It isn't doing what my friends want, doing what I want, or even doing what the majority of the people want. It is about doing what is right. Hopefully doing that one gets it right in the minds of enough of the people enough of the time that they can effectively govern.

The reason we call our government a REPUBLIC is because we send representatives to make the hard choices. If it were a democracy, we would all punch a button regardless of how poorly informed or radicalized we are.

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