Friday, February 1, 2013


Why do you suppose the founding fathers created the Electoral College  and had the US Senators selected by the state legislatures?  The idea was you weren't supposed to vote for someone you did not know or at least were able to meet. The legislature could meet the Senate candidates and you would have sent them (in our case to Austin) with our trust as they should have been part of our greater community. Every four years you would send a qualified elector from each congressional district to the electoral college to select a President and Vice-president. In a nutshell you sent someone you knew to make a reasonable choice.

Today, vote for people we have never met, likely we don't know anyone who has ever met them in an informal setting, and trust what they or their backers (who have an agenda) choose to tell ./ not tell us!

Frankly even the electors at the electoral college (and members of the US house which basically mirrors their number) are going to be beyond our knowing them. We have to figure out how to send people who actually share our values to congress and the presidency and I don't mean those that build coalitions since we agree on a few items.

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