Friday, May 13, 2016

Trumps win?

It has been a while. Nobody was reading, so I just quit.

 Donald Trump. What kind of President do I think he will make? What is his experience level? The same as everybody else in the group that began the run last year  EXCEPT perhaps Mrs Clinton. Who actually has ANY experience that is comparable to being president of the USA? Mrs Clinton MIGHT have had enough experience watching while her husband was president and the additional experience of being Secretary of State to say she understands the scope of the job, but being in congress certainly doesn't prepare one to actually be president. Being an attorney doesn't either. Even running a business falls short.

So really all we can do is try to get an idea of the candidates character, their ability to learn new things, and their ability to adapt on the fly. Here is the problem with that. Every candidate is an actor playing a very carefully scripted role. Some (such as Senator Rubio) are completely thrown when the script is compromised or thwarted. Others just resort to repeating the same stale rants over and over when they are knocked off message. Trump seems to do neither. He seems to ramble around and just says what is on his mind. This is really attractive to many. It signals that he is not part of the machine we call government. That he is independent and thinks for himself.

Independence is not generally well regarded in check the box politics. There are conservative Americans who vote Democratic almost solely based on their support of abortion rights. Likewise some are equally entrenched with the Republicans solely over the fight against abortion.  So solely on these two issues, many decide on who they will vote with. The idea that I / we might agree with someone who does not check the proper box on the issue makes them unacceptable. So how did the Donald get through? He is kinda grey on more than one of the CONSERVATIVE boxes.

I guess the better answer is a movie: a Richard Pryor movie. Brewster's Millions. Where he launches a campaign for mayor of New York (never dreaming he could win.) So basically those who voted for Trump (and even to some extent Bernie Sanders) voted for "NONE OF THE ABOVE"

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